We need to use our motivation to keep ourselves motivated. But How to do that?

Saurabh Nalamwar
2 min readAug 27, 2021

We have all experienced it. That one moment where you just don’t feel like doing something, be it studying for a test or trying to lose weight by going jogging every morning. The problem with having a lack of motivation is that after the first few days the whole thing just becomes extremely difficult.

We need to stay motivated, but how do we actually keep ourselves motivated?

In my opinion there are two types of motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic

(1). Intrinsic motivation comes from within us and makes activities fun and exciting in their own way. Extrinsic motivation on the other hand, is more like when our parents praise us when we get a good grade on an exam It’s like telling yourself “I want to get this done because I know someone will be proud of me”

(2). Intrinsic motivation is much better, and here are three ways to find intrinsic motivation:

  1. Change your perspective on the activity. If you think that studying for a test only has benefits for yourself and not for others, you’ll have more trouble getting yourself up in the morning. But if instead of thinking about what’s in it for you, like how great it will feel when you finally pass that test, think about what’s in it for others — “I’m doing this so my parents won’t worry anymore”, then suddenly getting out of bed seems less difficult.
  2. Think about the process. Instead of focusing on results we should focus on the process. Think about how rewarding it feels after finishing an assignment, or when you’ve jogged for five minutes instead of laying in your bed. These things are what is motivating, not getting a good grade on an exam or winning a race
  3. Set up rewards. If extrinsic motivation works for you then set up small rewards along the way so that you have something to look forward to after you’ve completed your task. Rewards can be anything from watching a favorite movie to taking out some time to play with your friends after studying for a few hours.

Just remember; keep it fun by changing perspective and thinking about the process, not the result!



Saurabh Nalamwar

I’m the CEO of Brillverse Technologies. I’m also a businessman, entrepreneur and programmer. I help business to grow 10x with increasing their digital presence.